Hospital Radio Publications - Magazine publication for charitable organisations
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Hospital Radio Magazines


Your Commitment

Your only commitment is to give the advertisers who have supported you value for their money by distributing your magazine efficiently. Copies should be placed in every bedside locker and supplies replenished at regular intervals. When you collect requests or ward visit. Copies should also be made available in every clinic, outpatients departments, A & E, all waiting areas, visitors rooms, staff and visitor refreshment areas, reception, staff general offices, works departments etc. Anywhere in your hospital where patients, staff and visitors are likely to see it.

Other prime outlets for distribution are your local Doctors Surgeries, Dentists waiting rooms, Tourist Information Offices, Libraries, Council Offices, etc. Anywhere you wish to promote yourselves. Surplus copies should also be given away at OB's, events where you are providing the PA, Discos, etc. Don't forget also to support the advertisers yourselves!

Efficient distribution throughout the average General Hospital should provide a readership in excess of 150,000 people throughout a 12 month period. Very good value for your advertisers and good promotional, recruitment and fund raising opportunities for yourselves.



© Hospital Radio Publications 2014. All rights reserved. Hospital Radio Magazines.